Creating Yoga Storage

We had been storing the yoga mats in the bedroom in their bags on hooks but this wasn’t really working for me. I found that having the yoga mat out of view did not help me remember to practice. Also, I wanted to make my yoga practice more intentional and bring all of my yoga and self-care gear into one place. 

Since our place is small with limited storage and the shelf storage we do have, I like to prioritize for books, I wanted to find another creative way to store the yoga gear that was more convenient for practicing and also looked nice. 

We had this open space on the wall under my son’s boat steps and it seemed like it could work. I looked for a long time for a nice looking yoga mat rack and considered a bunch of options on Etsy but I really didn’t like how they looked. I knew I wanted one with a shelf on top but since the area was near my son’s play space, I didn’t want a shelf with sharp corners. 

Photo Via Etsy

I looked for a really long time for a floating wall shelf that would fit the space (less than 28″), with rounded corners, and aesthetically pleasing. Then I finally found this one at West Elm.

Photo Via West Elm

I had also seen these racks on Amazon and they seemed functional but looked a little too utilitarian for me. I could envision how the shelf from West Elm could be combined with the racks I was finding on Amazon to make my own version of a yoga storage rack that checked all of the boxes.  

Photos Via Amazon

The finished yoga mat storage system. It holds two yoga mats (my husband’s and mine), a foam roller, and a tiger tail self care tool at the bottom. We also store our theracanes in the basket right behind the yoga rack. Since implementing this system, I am finding it so much easier to do yoga everyday. I really love how this turned out.